"Hi Nick, We opened the box tonight and everyone was thrilled!!
Maija loved the Tuna and look at the faces of my kids!! Your work is beautiful!
Thanks to you and your staff!!
Have a great Christmas! Kindest regards from all of us.
Ed and family 12/11/07
Ed and family 12/11/07
Release mounts are made to last indefinitely. Unlike the old method of producing skin mounts, release mounts will not turn yellow, attract insects, or develop foul odors. They come with a built-in balanced mounting device, and are as easy to hang as a picture. Should you decide to locate your mount outside in direct sunlight, it would be best to request a special outdoor clear coating, to protect the paint against the sun's ultraviolet rays.
Sportfishing anglers especially are happy to learn that it usually takes only a few weeks to have one made, as opposed to skin mounts, which use to take almost a year to produce. And, most importantly, you can always remember the thrill of watching your trophy fish swim away unharmed
For more information on King Sailfish Mounts and to view all of our products please click here
Hi Doug,
My wife and I finally extricated the mount form its enclosure with utmost care, and no damage was done. It now occupies a place of honor above my fireplace, and I have to admit tht I smile every single time I look at it. Can't wait until April when I'll be back down at Baja's East Cape chasing these guys again!Thought you might enjoy a picture of your excellent work in it's appropriate setting - the home of a delighted owner.
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