Pop-up Archival Transmitter (PAT) tags record information over a period of time and are then scheduled to pop-off, allowing researchers to recover the tag and record the data gathered. The resulting information can then be used by scientists and lawmakers to study and help protect this valuable marine resource.
The first tag was successfully inserted on March 13 by Mike Larkin and Raymond Douglas. The fish's size and geographical location was recorded prior to a successful release. For more information on how you can become involved, visit http://www.bonefishresearch.com/tarpon.htm
King Sailfish Mounts proudly offers an array of mounted fish, producing both freshwater and saltwater fish mounts. Also called release mounts, KSM's fiberglass fish replicas provide sportsmen with the absolute highest level of quality and value, and symbolize an age of environmental awareness. Our artists capture the rich beauty.....(for more, click on "About Us". )
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